Legal Notice
RMT Rohr- u. Maschinenanlagentechnik GmbH
Registered office Oldenburg, Oldenburg Registration Court HRA 3192
Managing Directors: Andreas Lenk, Eike Kobbe, Heiko Janz
VAT ID: DE 163613587
The above information regarding the Managing Directors and the VAT ID are also applicable to the branches and building departments of the company RMT Rohr- und Maschinenanlagentechnik GmbH mentioned below and therefore to be applied analogously.
RMT Rohr- und Maschinenanlagentechnik GmbH, Köln
Disclaimer: Editorial responsibility for content on linked websites of other providers (including embedded links to third parties), in particular the responsibility and liability for compliance with the provisions in the Data Protection and Youth Protection Acts, is sole responsibility of the provider in question.
Information as per Section 36 German Teleservices Act (VSBG): We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration service as per the German Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters.
Note on gender: A gender-neutral formulation is not used to ensure contents are easily readable. The corresponding terms apply to all genders in accordance with the principle of gender equality. This language is used solely entirely without prejudice.